Meet The Staff

Meet the Curator

 Hi, My name is Coral. I am an avid anime fan! I first began my journey in the anime universe when I was very young…albeit I had no idea that I was watching was anime. I started off like most kids my age, watching Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh as weekend morning cartoons, and on occasion watch more adult like content on late night tv with my parents (things such as Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Inuyasha). It wasn’t until much later that I stumbled upon some manga a friend was reading, that I began learning about anime. My biggest draw towards anime and manga is the stories they tell, the artwork and the cultural influences and background. I have always been interested in the arts and culture, and when I discovered anime I just couldn’t stop watching. It satiated my needs for entertainment while stimulating my interests in culture and art.

I believe there is an anime out there for everyone. Let us help you find yours!

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